
It’s easy to get in the comparison trap. I know I do it. When I first started sharing movement videos - cos I (still!) think basic movement education should be available to everyone - I thought I would never be as good as all the ‘fitness influencers’ so maybe I shouldn’t even start?!

It was my 9yo son who reminded me of something important while he was preparing for his ninja warrior comp: “Do you think I’ll get my personal best, mum?” “I reckon you’ve a good chance,” I answered. “You’ve been practicing really hard!”

The conversation stuck - he didn’t ask me if he’d win or get a medal, ‘simply’ whether he’d do his best. I love that!

Looking to others is a great way to get motivated. But using other people as a standard for judging yourself is pointless. You’ll never do things the same as someone else so stop trying. It’s meaningless! Each of us a unique constellation of talents and abilities so you absolutely cannot share another’s benchmarks.

No one else is you and no one else is me so let’s stop comparing ourselves to others.

Nb: I’ve always had a feeling that sharing begins with sharing my own experience and now 5 years on, I look back and see how many people have been shared with and how much my own practice has evolved alongside them! I can’t wait to share and practice and grow more.


‘We need to bring you back into balance”


Book review: Sacred Cow